Your security is our priority
The role of security guard is a multifaceted mission: foresee and anticipate events and threats that could potentially harm our customers, protect the people and property entrusted to us and monitor the proper execution of the service and follow-up.
30 years’ experience
VIGASSISTANCE is a private security company specialized in the prevention and management of risks and malicious acts. To ensure the effective protection of goods and people, VIGASSISTANCE relies on 30 years of experience combining human skills and cutting-edge technologies. Our solutions are based on serious risk analysis taking into account all the environmental parameters to obtain an optimal level of safety including:
Quality of services
Recognized for the quality of its services, VIGASSISTANCE stands out from its competitors through:
Quality of recruitment
The excellence of our services is based mainly on the quality of our recruitment.
Recruitment criteria are strict (see RECRUITMENT).
Training team
VIGASSISTANCE has a training centre run by an experienced teaching team from the Senegalese police forces (Police and Gendarmerie). Candidates receive an initial 3 weeks training during which they acquire the knowledge necessary for the security profession: Reception, first aid, fire safety, report writing and HSE rules.
The training modules are regularly updated and meet the requirements of the national and international legislation in force:
In order to match the expectations of its customers and adapt the services and products on offer more closely to their needs, while complying with the regulatory and standard requirements, VIGASSISTANCE SENEGAL SA has developed and implemented a quality system.
For VIGASSISTANCE SENEGAL SA, risk prevention policy is fundamental. Respect for men and women is essential for the company: it is the company's foremost value. The profession we are in places our agents in risk situations.
VIGASSISTANCE SENEGAL SA is a member of MASE SENEGAL (Enterprise Safety Improvement Manual) for HSE management and policy.
Each year, VIGASSISTANCE SENEGAL SA organises events and actions in favour of its employees and their families (Christmas tree, Employee loans, Health coverage, food cooperative, etc.).
Additional in-house training courses
VIGASSISTANCE Academy also offers additional training for:
Additional external training courses
The teaching team is also in charge of the retraining and evaluation of agents and teams.
As part of professional training, VIGASSISTANCE relies on partners for the following additional modules:
To provide high-quality services, VIGASSISTANCE deploys qualified security agents. They are supervised and regularly controlled by supervisors, zone managers and team leaders in order to maintain a high level of performance.
Security guards have appropriate clothing and equipment to carry out their missions:
Security / Assistance / Alarm response
For optimal security, VIGASSISTANCE offers a 24/7 rapid response assistance and intervention service. Our teams intervene at the subscribers' premises in under ten minutes when an alarm is triggered or a phone call placed.
VIGASSISTANCE has pre-positioned and dedicated patrols in DAKAR, rotating from site to site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Operations are overseen from the command and control post.
Our sites are equipped with reliable and efficient alarm systems connected to an automatic warning transmission system.
Protection / Escort
For discreet and effective protection, VIGASSISTANCE offers the occasional or continuous presence of agents trained in security detail techniques, top-of-the-range unmarked vehicles and experienced drivers with defensive driving training.
Security systems
For optimal security, VIGASSISTANCE offers solutions based on the latest technologies:
All these devices can be connected to the VIGASSISTANCE remote monitoring centre, temporarily or permanently in order to benefit from the assistance and intervention service.
With a dedicated platform, VIGASSISTANCE offers a wide range of geolocation solutions for:
Subscribers have personalized access to the platform to view their markers in real time. They may make use of a warning service (for speeding, leaving designated areas, maintenance, break-ins, gauges, etc.)
Activity reports are sent to the client at a frequency defined in the specifications..
Audit & Consulting
Security has become a high-tech profession. The search for an appropriate, coherent and effective system while at the same time optimising resources is now more than ever a matter for specialists.
On the strength of its experience and drawing on the latest technologies, VIGASSISTANCE and its design office carry out safety visits and audits to propose innovative solutions for each need.
In addition to work performed for private individuals, VIGASSISTANCE SENEGAL SA is present in many business sectors including banking, insurance, embassies, corporations, NGOs, international organisations, oil facilities, ports and airports, supermarkets, etc.
To ensure maximum and effective security, VIGASSISTANCE SENEGAL SA is also committed to protecting the confidentiality of each of its customers.
The excellence of our services is based mainly on the quality of our recruitment.
Thus, to train at the VIGASSISTANCE Academy, the minimum requirements are:
Applications must be submitted to the headquarters of VIGA ASSISTANCE SA, route de l'aéroport, Dakar.
TEL : 33 820 32 00
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Seules les délibérations adoptées en séance plénière engagent VIGA ASSISTANCE SENEGAL. S’agissant des textes normatifs reproduits sur le site, seule la version publiée au Journal Officiel fait foi. Les autres documents sont présentés à titre informatif.
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En cas de contestation sur le contenu du site de VIGA ASSISTANCE SENEGAL, le litige sera, à défaut d'accord amiable, de la compétence exclusive des tribunaux de Dakar.
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